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Ca c'est beau et ca arrive pas souvent ;-)

Publié : Mardi 11 Novembre 2008 14:22
par ninnin
Starting game 3913974243.

theNinnin is at seat 1 with 1,220.
LeForrester is at seat 3 with 2,130.
tauszig is at seat 4 with 780.
kabaal123 is at seat 5 with 1,870.

The dealer is seat 4.

kabaal123 posts a blind of 50.
theNinnin posts a blind of 100.

(theNinnin is dealt :Js :Ac.)

LeForrester calls for 100.
tauszig folds.
kabaal123 folds.
theNinnin bets 300.
LeForrester calls for 300.

The flop comes
:7h :4h :Jh.

theNinnin goes all-in for 820.
LeForrester calls for 820.


theNinnin shows: :Js :Ac
:Jh :Js :Ac :7h :4h
A pair of Jacks

LeForrester shows: :Qh :9h
:Qh :Jh :9h :7h :4h
Flush, Queen high

The turn comes :7c.
The river comes :7s.

theNinnin shows: :Js :Ac
:7h :7c :7s :Jh :Js
Full House, Sevens over Jacks

LeForrester shows: :Qh :9h
:Qh :Jh :9h :7h :4h
Flush, Queen high

theNinnin wins pot (2,490).